Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Commute Home from work via Fiddlers Green

I stayed late at work because I had not fixed the vexing problem I'd been working on. All the sudden I figured it out and after getting it all working, I headed out on my bike.

I decided to take a new route along the Englewood Dam and then north toward S. Yosemite/DTC. Along the way, I passed by Fiddler's Green and saw that there were lots of people going to a show. I asked someone who told me "Stevie Wonder". Man, suddenly couldn't think of anything cooler to be doing with the rest of my evening.

I was still on my bike heading up the road, but I belted out some bars of "I wish" ("Sneakin' out the back door, to hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine") while weaving between the cars and the people streaming into the show. I got some sideways looks and I got some smiles, and I thought I souned pretty good. As I rode away, I thought about who I could call to come out with me to the show.

Further as I rode up the DTC, I discovered another music scene going on at the corner of DTC and Belleview. It was the regular Tuesday evening free music thing that happens there, that I am aware of, but never remember to go check out. Kids were everywhere playing and the music sounded a little like some kind of old time Western Swing or something. Everyone looked like they were having a blast and I thought "I had no idea this kind of stuff was happening. Man, I got to get out more. "

I started to roll toward the stage, but the security people told me I couldn't bring my bike in, of course. So I started talking to some people about how cool this was and then reluctantly, started to head home.

While riding, my phone rang. I dangerously reached into my pocket to answer it. It was my old buddy Al, and while negotiating the intersection one handed, I tried to talk him into getting Janet and meeting me down to check out the action. Alas, it's a school night and all us boring regular folks need to be boring. We all agreed we should get together for the 4th instead.

Once I got home, I fed Clark (our goldfish) and I realized that I needed to clean his tank...Since Sunday...! And I didn't have any distilled water. Dang!!

I had to go to the store...

Cool, I'll take my bike. No, it's going to be dark in a few minutes.

So I took the car instead, and hated myself for it. As I walked into Whole Foods, a girl said "I like your shirt!". We got to talking and it turned out she was from Anchorage (Rabbit Creek area) We talked a bit more and said goodby. Later when I though about it, I realized that I'd never even introduced myself or asked her name. Odd to meet someone from back home and I didn't even introduce myself. What a mullet.

At the store I wandered aimlessly looking for the distilled water. While I was at it I got salad stuff, pilfered a handfull of awesome dark chocolate covered walnuts and headed home, but not before stopping into the "Merchant of Vino" to get a bottle of vino. The woman at the store pegged me for a wine ignormous and talked me into something (a shiraz I guess) called "Stump Jump".

Once home I started to make salad, and opened the bottle to let it breathe (right?)

Excuse me? It has a screw top?

Did I look to her like the kind of person who drinks wine from a screw top bottle?

Apparently so. I let it "breathe" and made the salad.

Once done making the awesome salad, I poured a glass and sat down to watch Nova, to write in my blog, and to relax.

Hmm...what was it I was supposed to do? Whoa! I'd better go change Clarke's tank water!

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