Most of the morning the kids laz'd around the house, but at one point were invited over to the neighbors house to play. I went over to thank the neighbors and see what the kids were up to and they were happily drawing and Aidan was writing in his journal.
I stayed at home and put new tires on my road bike and re-taped the handlebars. It will probably need re-taping again soon though.
When I went over to see what the kids were up to next door, they were laz'ing there watching Sponge Bob so I decided we needed to go to the beach.
We rounded up all the stuff and snacks we needed and I put it into the bike trailer. I strapped the super cool folding beach chair onto the bike trailer, Aidan found his helmet, Luka climbed in the trailer and we headed out.
It was a kind of longish bike ride, but Aidan managed to climb up all the hills!! He wanted to stop to rest a few times and I was fine with that, and proud of how hard he tried to climb. Later I thought about how we weighs only a bit more than his bike weighs, so it's got to be a big effort.
When we stopped to rest we checked on Luka who was unusually quiet. He was asleep for most of the trip.
After the 5 mile bike ride we were at the beach. We found a good parking place for our bikes and the trailer and the kids went right for the water. I got out the cool beach chair I'd strapped to the trailer and set up right on the water.
I got out the sunscreen and called the kids to slather them up. Since each have recent buzz cut hairdo's, I was glad to find that I had two bandannas with me, and I tied one on each of the kid's heads, Aunt Jamima style. They looked so cute, especially Luka, with them and I was glad that they'd be protected from the sun.
They played and splashed, and Aidan seems to have overcome his fear of getting his face wet. He was actually swimming underwater and having fun grabbing my leg when I went out to cool off in the water.
We played frisbee a bit but there were too many people and we didn't want to hit anyone. Aidan is getting pretty good at his aim now so we'll have to have some disc sessions soon.
We stayed a long time and then when I saw it was 5:PM decided we needed to pack up and head back home. Aidan was pretty un-psyched about the ride home, but he toughed it out.
I decided to take a detour and head to some friends house near ours who were having a bbq. They have a trampoline and a backyard pool so once we got there, the kids were psyched again. They jumped in the tramp, and played in the pool, and we ate hot dogs. I rode the bikes home and got the car to drive us all home.
We all fell asleep together on the couch watching Tom and Jerry.
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