Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wed evening ride report

Wednesday Evening Deer Creek Ride Report

I managed to get tires on trail by 5:20 last night but due to trailhead confusion I started the ride without my expected riding buddies. They started at the lower lot off of Deer Creek and the Lockheed Martin turn of (I guess). I was on my way down after my second lap when I met them coming up and decided to go back up and ride another lap with them. Never did see Sandan or GotDirt.

I rode up the main trail and did three laps (clockwise) around Red Mesa loop before blasting back down. There were very few people when I started but by the end of the third lap there were quite a few people on the trail heading both up and down. The temperature was perfectly cool up top in the shade, and I was having so much fun ripping down the Red Mesa backstretch, I wanted to keep doing laps. The trail is awesome traction wise but "The Wall" is wicked as usual. Didn't ride Plymouth Mt. Trail on the way down since I spent so much time up top.

Unlike on Tuesday's 6:AM Dakota Ridge ride, it was nice to be able to tailgate party for a bit afterwards. I met some guys with plenty of Blue Moon and patio chairs to ralax in.

The temperature is supposed to push 100 by the weekend. Anyone up for a nice early morning ride (at altitude and/or in the shade) somewhere?

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