Thursday, February 21, 2008

got editInPlace working!

Implemented it in the DevelIssue domain

got editInPlace working in coach-sortof

just need to figure out how to embed it in the list view. The current method is like how it's handled in the bookmark app, which isn't how I want to deal with it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bike commute home from CMC

First ride on Tricross. Great!
Note, at 10.6 miles ,there's a bend in the trail to the left. At that point it looks like you can cut through to a neighborhood and short circuit much of the ride to the Church.

The road is Cantitoe Lane and it looks like a dead end.

From Quincy it's:
S. On Holly to E Union Ave
curve right onto Cantitoe Lane.
Try it from the street side first.

Or at 10.97 miles, one that may be more likely to have a connection between trail and street. That one has a definate connection to Dahlia.
From Quinch:
South on Dahlia to where it ends.

user id=1242964
passwd=mailed to

Once you receive your password, you can log in and set your account up.

adding inline edit to coach app

working in the coach-liquibase branch.

created a tag lib and some tags, but I have to work on the views and template to implement it. I'm following the dgg example which is a minefield.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

grails jdbc:hsqldb database notes

If you have two grails app deployed to tomcat and each use the jdbc:hsqldb, only one will start. The other one will fail because the database is locked. The lock file will appear in the root directory of the user that the web app container (tomcat or jetty) and will be called something like proDb.lck.

When the first app is started, the file will appear in the user under which the tomcat (or jetty) instance is started.

Monday, February 4, 2008

IDP: Fundamentals of Communication course

Learn Share course. 1.5 hour modules.

IDP Time Management Course

Looks like I have to read something and then take a test

Article is about 50 pages and called Time Management.pdf and is available online. I printed it out and will put it in my IDP folder.

Part 1 Time Management Principles
Got to page 10

Don't let the Urgent things crowd out the Important.

Have decided to support Barak Obama

Gary Hart's article in HuffPo is what has helped me make up my mind.

Basically, the war was wrong, and though many supported the decision to allow Bush to use all force, and voted that way, it should now be clear that it was wrong, and those who supported the decision should admit it and speak out against it.

Barak Obama did not support it from the beginning, and this shows both leadership, moral courage, and clear understanding of the decision.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

debugging grails unit tests in eclipse

found this in Groovy In Action page 528
Select Run -> Run, and create a new Java Application configuration. Set the
Project to be your current project, and select groovy.util.GroovyTestSuite as
the Main class.
Next, click the Arguments tab; in the Program Arguments box, include the
path to your Groovy script, as shown in figure 14.2.

It works! One strange thing is that the console view shows compiling ... which looks like it's not done compiling. I think that's because of the dynamic nature of groovy.

Just step and it looks like it works!

For a grails app, In the arguments box put path as test/integration/ or whatever path filename is.

Friday, February 1, 2008

grails-1.0-RC3 is broken with gwt-plugin: Use RC4

Watch the snapshot and hopefully the next version will have fixes for both gwt -plugin and the RC4 war file bug.